Coronavirus Impact
Coronavirus Impact

The bond-financed $420 million expansion project moved forward over the objections of board members who questioned the timing amid plummeting tax revenues.

April 3
5 Min Read

The rating agency echoed others in citing the New York transportation system's hard fall since the coronavirus outbreak.

April 3
4 Min Read

Urban areas will get $22.7 billion in formula funds and $2.2 billion will go to rural areas.

April 3
2 Min Read
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester said U.S. unemployment could rise as high as 15% as the U.S. forcibly shuts down important parts of its economy to help contain the coronavirus pandemic.

April 3
2 Min Read
The Milwaukee Art Museum on the city's waterfront

Milwaukee's experience in market Thursday speaks to the struggles of primary market borrowers navigating COVID-19-driven turmoil.

April 2
4 Min Read

Forced selling continues and credit spreads are widening as much as 200 basis points in spots making for a large bid-ask disconnect in the market.

April 2
8 Min Read

The Louisiana State Bond Commission authorized four bond issues, and was updated on market volatility created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 2
2 Min Read

Early official estimates of current fiscal year revenue drops include $353 million in Arkansas, $396 million in Colorado, $219 in Oklahoma and $224 million in Vermont.

April 2
4 Min Read
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