Coronavirus Impact
Coronavirus Impact

The outlook shift to stable from negative is a badly needed shot in the arm from the capital markets as the city prepares to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

May 13
2 Min Read
Illinois State Comptroller Susana Mendoza

State Comptroller Susana Mendoza urges the Treasury Department to change its guidelines to allow the state to pay off MLF loans with ARP funds.

May 13
6 Min Read

The city and state want to use ARP funds to repay debt issued to manage the pandemic but Treasury's initial guidance would derail those plans.

May 12
8 Min Read

Not only do government entities have new federal funds destined to reach them soon, but citizens also are supporting bond elections in record numbers.

May 12
2 Min Read

Treasury’s 151-page interim final rule provides broad latitude for how the money can be spent.

May 11
4 Min Read

Gov. J.B. Pritzker is now willing to fully fund a scheduled education funding hike but other contentious issues remain, notably corporate tax breaks.

May 10
3 Min Read

While the race has drawn few headlines compared with the battle for mayor, a dozen hopefuls are running for the office.

May 6
3 Min Read

The ratings agency said it action reflects the state’s solid economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

May 5
1 Min Read
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