Coronavirus Impact
Coronavirus Impact

The city sees room for a new convention hotel, despite nearby competition and pandemic-related setbacks.

August 2
5 Min Read

The pandemic was strikingly different than Sept. 11, financial meltdowns and other disasters, according to Robert Mujica.

July 29
4 Min Read

Lawmakers are considering a bill to credit state employees with three extra years of service for work done outside their homes over nine months of 2020.

July 28
3 Min Read

New York City budget director Jacques Jiha says proactive moves such as building reserves helped the city weather COVID-19 fiscal challenges. Paul Burton and Chip Barnett host. (23 minutes)

July 27
1 Min Read
Rich Moore, tax partner at Orrick comments on IRS examinations

The IRS is seeking comments on a change that may benefit many issuers.

July 26
1 Min Read

Goldman Sachs is lead managet for the issuance, which includes tax-exempt and taxable bonds.

July 26
2 Min Read

The agency must still pay the commonwealth due to 2007 legislation that went sideways.

July 21
3 Min Read

Negotiated deals were repriced to lower yields while competitive deals saw levels coming in through triple-A benchmarks. High-grade benchmarks were little changed.

July 20
8 Min Read
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