Paul Daley

Paul Daley

Paul Daley joined as Managing Director of BondWave’s Information Lab after serving as head of execution and account management for SunGard’s Fox River Execution where he was responsible for overseeing trading activities in the US, Canada and Japan. In addition to managing the firm’s strategic relationships, Mr. Daley published papers on high-frequency trading, spread time series studies, liquidity modeling, dark pool trading and the nickel spread pilot program. He was also responsible for designing new algorithmic trading strategies and trading suites. Prior to joining Fox River, Mr. Daley was head of quantitative trading at UBS O’Connor, a multi-strategy hedge fund. He was also head of derivative and portfolio trading sales at Merrill Lynch and served as the global head of equity indexing at ABN Investment Management (now a part of Northern Trust Global Advisors). Mr. Daley graduated from the University of Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, and received his MBA from the University of Chicago with a concentration in Finance.