VISD approves election for $141.2 million bond

Victoria, Texas, school board members agreed late Thursday night to ask voters in November to approve a $141.2 million capital improvement plan.

In a meeting that lasted more than four hours, the board listened to many of its constituents. Twenty-two people spoke at Thursday's meeting, 19 in support of the proposal and three against it.

Victoria resident and former mayor Will Armstrong spoke in favor of the bond.

Larry D. Moore

"Every day people are looking at Victoria; they are looking for business opportunities," Armstrong said. "They are not going to invest in a town that doesn't invest in itself."

However, one resident said the board should aim for a leaner proposal.

"It's like a brisket; you have to trim the fat," said Victoria resident Clara Ramos, adding certain items should not be listed in among the projects in the proposal. "I'm not for it unless something is done."

Another Victoria resident, Agnes Jewett, said she planned to oppose the plan.

"We won't have teachers of caliber to fill the new buildings," said Jewett, suggesting board members should focus on teacher pay.

However, Omar Rachid, another Victoria resident who supported the plan, said the proposal made sense for the district's future.

"It is simply the right thing to do," Rachid said. "It's imperative that we provide a conducive learning environment."

Board member Kevin VanHook said, "This bond provides equality to all of our areas in all of our schools. Our learning environment has to change."

The bond proposal would increase the tax rate by 7.4 cents for every $100 of assessed property valuation.

Projects included in the bond are replacing four schools, renovating 17 others and establishing a multi-activity complex.

Of the $141.2 million bond, $99.1 million would be spent directly on schools and $42.1 million would be spent on VISD projects that also benefit the community. In all, the proposal lists 30 projects.

New buildings would be created for Stroman Middle School, Shields Elementary School, Smith Elementary School and Mission Valley Elementary School.

Also included in the projects are traffic improvements, security system upgrades, new practice gyms and maintenance to current buildings.

The bond would increase the overall tax rate from about $1.27 to $1.34 on every $100 of assessed property valuation.

Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, officials began assessing district facilities needs and developing a long-range facilities plan with the assistance of the Texas Association of School Boards and Sledge Engineering.

In 2015, VISD officials refinanced a 2005 bond, saving $2.4 million, and this year, they refinanced a 2007 bond, saving an additional $23.5 million.

Nov. 7 is the next election ballot on which the bond proposal would appear.

Tribune Content Agency
School bonds Bond elections Texas