Trump is said to plan Fed chair nominee announcement on Thursday

President Donald Trump plans to announce his choice for the next Fed chairman on Thursday, the day before he departs for a trip to Asia, a White House official said.

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The president is leaning toward picking Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell to lead the U.S. central bank, according to three people familiar with the matter. Other candidates on his shortlist include current Fed Chair Janet Yellen, Stanford University economist John Taylor, former Fed governor Kevin Warsh and National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn.

Trump stoked the sense of drama surrounding the announcement Friday by tweeting out a video teasing the event as one “people are anxiously awaiting” and promising “You’ll be very impressed.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders had said last week Trump would make the announcement before he departs for the trip to Hawaii and Asia on Friday.

The central bank’s Federal Open Market Committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

Bloomberg News
Monetary policy Donald Trump Federal Reserve