Norwich council approve $5M infrastructure bond referendum

NORWICH, Conn. -- The Norwich City Council voted unanimously Monday to send an ordinance appropriating $5 million in bond money for infrastructure improvements to referendum.

Public Works Director Ryan Thompson said the money would go toward upgrades or new construction of roads, bridges and bridge structures, sidewalks, piers and wharves throughout Norwich.

Part of the money would go toward making sidewalks in the downtown area more compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act as well as continuing to maintain the city's infrastructure at "the industry's standards," Thompson said.


During public comment, Norwich resident Rodney Bowie expressed concerns about the city's growing expenses. "This should have belonged in the last budget," Bowie said. "What I don't like to do is add to our credit card bill." The proposal will go to public vote in November.

The council also voted 6-1 in approval of an amendment to the zoning ordinance that would regulate the inclusion of drive-through windows in the Neighborhood Commercial district.

The addition was requested in May by New London attorney William Sweeney on behalf of Amaral Revite Corp., a commercial development company based out of Providence, R.I. Sweeney said the company discovered an omission in drive-through regulations while exploring vacant lots in town for the development of a chain restaurant.

The newly drafted zoning ordinance contains specific language on the construction and design of drive-through windows. Sweeney said the ordinance will fix a discrepancy in the current regulations. Text regarding drive-throughs had been included in previous zoning ordinances. However, they are absent from a 2015 zoning ordinance. Sweeney said the regulations are crucial to a town that is home to countless banks, restaurants and businesses with drive-throughs already in existence.

Sweeney also said the amendment would do more than just "rectify" an omission, it would also make businesses "subject to a higher level of review."

"This would mandate a public hearing for each drive-through for neighborhood input," Sweeney said. "Neighborhood Commercial districts are transition areas."

Alderman Joanne Philbrick, however, went on record in opposition to the ordinance, stating her concern about local historic neighborhoods.

"I walk a fine line between economic development and the preservation of neighborhoods," Philbrick said. "This text change could facilitate a proposed Burger King with a drive through on Town Street."

Philbrick cast the only opposing vote for the ordinance, which will go into effect 10 days after the meeting.

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Infrastructure Public finance Connecticut