Jobless claims up 2,000 to 244,000 in June 24 week

WASHINGTON – Initial claims for U.S. state unemployment benefits rose 2,000 to 244,000 in June 24 week, stronger than the 241,000 level expected.

The 4-week moving average fell by 2,750 to 242,250 after four straight gains and would be expected to fall by only 250 claims next week as a 245,000 level in the June 3 week rolls off, assuming no change to the headline number.

Continuing claims rose by 6,000 to 1.948m in the June 17 employment survey week, up 24,000 from the level in the May 13 employment survey week, a slight negative factor for June payrolls. Still, the levels of both initial and continuing claims remain well above their year ago levels.


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Economic indicators Jobless claims