Jobless claims rise to six-month high

WASHINGTON — Initial claims for U.S. state unemployment benefits were up 10,000 to 234,000 in the Nov. 24 holiday week, well above the 220,000 level expected.

Initial claims for U.S. state unemployment benefits

The last time claims were this high was the week ended May 19.

The four-week moving average was up 4,750 to 223,250. The average would rise in the December 1 week as the 214,000 level in the Nov. 3 week rolls out of the equation, assuming no change to the headline figure next week.

Continuing claims rose by 50,000 to 1.710 million in the Nov. 17 employment survey week, up 72,000 from the 1.638 million level in the Oct. 13 employment survey week. The four-week moving average for continuing claims was up 19,750 to 1.668 million.

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Economic indicators Jobless claims