House approves Justice's road bond measure

The West Virginia House adopted a resolution that would authorize $1.6 billion in bonds, which is the cornerstone of Gov. Jim Justice's road program.

Traffic streaks across the Fort Hill Bridge in Charleston, West Virginia on December 18, 2014
Glenn Nagel/gnagel - Fotolia

Delegates adopted Senate Joint Resolution 6 in a 90-8 vote Friday. Delegate Roger Hanshaw, R-Clay, explained the resolution authorizes $1.6 billion in bonds over a four-year period beginning in July 2018. The House Committee on the Judiciary amended the bill Thursday, however, which backed up the starting date to July 1, 2017.

The resolution also includes a provision that will be included at the end of the ballot measure which will go before voters, about how the Legislature could fund the measure, Hanshaw explained.

He said some of the the things the Legislature could do to fund these bonds, if voters approve them, could include measures such as Department of Motor Vehicles fees or fuel taxes.

Delegate Brent Boggs, D-Braxton, said he had some concerns about the funding mechanism.

"I'm concerned we are kicking the can down the road with our jobs and our roads," Boggs said. "This will go before the voters, but I'm concerned with the funding mechanism and some not being there at this point. I will support this, but we have got to get our roads fixed."

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Primary bond market Transportation industry West Virginia