Green Ridge School District voters approve no tax increase levy

Voters in two school districts, Green Ridge R-VIII, Mo., and Dresden R-XIII, went to the polls Tuesday to make their choices known in the special election.

Voters in Green Ridge approved the no tax increase bond issue to maintain and improve district facilities with 70.46 percent of the vote.

The measure, which required a two-thirds vote for passage, allows the current debit service levy to remain the same at $0.3928 for every $100 of assessed value on property, according to Green Ridge Superintendent Jamie Burkhart.

School books on desk, education concept
photographer: Dusanka Visnjican/Cherries - Fotolia

"The Green Ridge community is the big winner in this," Burkhart said. "In visiting with community members and groups, I have been impressed with the overwhelming Green Ridge pride that exists.

"It is evident that the community supports the staff and students and wants to see the school improve and grow," she added. "I know the board of education members, staff and students are grateful for the support. We are looking forward to beginning these projects."

The no tax increase bond issue would generate approximately $835,000 for capital improvements within the district over a period of seven years and will assist the district in maintaining and improving district facilities.

Based on community input, the purpose of the funds as they appeared on the August ballot will be to remodel restrooms in the elementary wing and near the cafeteria, complete interior building improvements at the library, upgrade the outdoor athletic fields, replace the gym floor, build a new parking lot across the street in front of the school, demolish the current maintenance building and construct, equip and furnish a new maintenance facility, convert the garage area of the superintendent's building into a new weight room, and, to the extent funds are available, complete other repairs and improvements to the existing facilities of the district.

Green Ridge Board of Education President Barry White also expressed his gratitude to the voters of the district.

"We are very excited with the results of the election and the community support the voters of Green Ridge have shown the district," White commented. "With their support we will continue to make Green Ridge an excellent school in the county.

"We are excited to use the money to improve our facility and we will continue to work to make the district the best for our students," White added. "With our new administration and current faculty and staff we are headed in the right direction."

Voters in Dresden were asked to brake a tie between two write-in candidates from the April municipal election, Josh Nold and Ben Perez, for the Board of Education.

When all votes were counted, Nold was declared the winner with 71.13 percent of the vote. Nold garnered 69 votes compared to the 28 votes Perez received.

"I am glad the community was behind me," Nold said shortly after the election. "I want to thank them all for their support."

His opponent, Perez, was unavailable for comment at press time.

Pettis County Clerk and Election Authority Nick La Strada explained what options the district had, according to Missouri State Statue 115.517.

"Three things can be done -- they can host a new election, there can be a gentlemen's agreement between the candidates who received the tie, or they can chose to draw a number by lot," La Strada explained last week.

In the case of Nold and Perez, neither conceded the election nor were they willing to draw lots.

The Dresden special election cost the district an estimated $1,600, which they are solely responsible for paying.

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School bonds Bond elections Missouri