Durable goods orders up 2.7% in March

March durable goods orders data were well above expectations for an aircraft-led gain, with the headline number rising by 2.7%, compared with a 0.8% gain expected by a Bloomberg median and a 0.6% gain in an MNI survey.

This followed an upward revision to the previous month's orders and may lead to upward adjustments to forecasts for first quarter non-residential fixed investment, the Commerce Department reported.


The durable goods orders gain was mostly due to a 7.0% increase in transportation orders, particularly a 31.2% rebound in nondefense aircraft orders. Boeing orders were up in March despite concerns about the MAX series, so a rebound in aircraft orders was expected.

Excluding transportation, new orders rose 0.4% in the month, above the 0.2% gain expected in a Bloomberg survey, but as expected in an MNI survey.

There were gains in communications equipment and machinery, and declines in primary metals and fabricated metal products.

The 9.0% gain for communications equipment was the strongest since January 2015, when it posted a 13.4% increase.

Nondefense capital goods new orders were up 6.5% in March, and were up by only 1.3% excluding aircraft. Nondefense capital goods shipments were flat in the month, while shipments ex. aircraft were down 0.2%.

Analysts are likely to raise their forecasts for nonresidential fixed investment ahead of Friday's advance Q1 GDP report.

Market News International is a real-time global news service for fixed-income and foreign exchange market professionals. See www.marketnews.com.
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