Derby voters approve new elementary school and safety measures

Residents of the Derby, Kan., school district approved one bond issue but rejected two others in a special election on Tuesday.

With all 31 precincts reporting, voters approved a bond issue that will raise an estimated $114 million to pay for a new elementary school, storm shelters for all Derby public schools, secured entrances and changes to improve accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


That issue passed comfortably, but two other bond issues were soundly defeated. The second bond issue would have raised nearly $5.5 million to pay for a Panther Activity Center linked to Derby High School, a space for physical education and performing arts, and extracurricular activities.

The third bond issue sought $4 million to fund a new softball field and the addition of lights to the Derby High School football field, as well as artificial turf for soccer and baseball fields.

The need for a new elementary school comes from overcrowding at Derby Hills Elementary, district officials have said. The school district also plans to close Pleasantview Elementary School at 1101 N. Georgie Ave.

The Sedgwick County Election Commissioner's Office has not yet declared the results official, but preliminary totals indicate each race was settled by a vote margin of at least six percent.

Tribune Content Agency
School bonds Bond elections Kansas