Democrats’ COVID cases threaten to delay Fed, FTC confirmations

A trio of COVID-19 cases among Democrats is expected to delay Senate plans to confirm Federal Reserve nominee Lisa Cook and Federal Trade Commission nominee Alvaro Bedoya this week.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who also serves as the tie-breaking Senate president, Finance Chairman Ron Wyden and Sen. Chris Murphy — all Democrats — announced Tuesday they have tested positive for COVID, meaning Democrats don’t have the ability to confirm nominees if every Republican votes against a candidate in the 50-50 Senate.

A trio of COVID-19 cases among Democrats is expected to delay Senate plans to confirm Federal Reserve nominee Lisa Cook.
Bloomberg News

Cook’s nomination is teed up for a procedural vote Tuesday afternoon and Republicans are objecting to delaying it, a senior Senate Democratic aide said. Unless Republicans are also absent or a GOP senator unexpectedly votes to advance her nomination, that vote would fail. Democrats would then set up a follow-on vote when they have full attendance.

Other Federal Reserve nominees — Philip Jefferson, Lael Brainard for vice chair, and Jerome Powell for another term as chair — have significant Republican support. Brainard’s confirmation vote is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, and Democrats and the White House are hoping Republicans will agree to votes this week on Powell and Jefferson.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had previously pitched the confirmation vote on Bedoya as a key to cracking down on price gouging by oil companies and reducing inflation, as he would give Democrats on the panel a majority.

His confirmation is also expected to be delayed, per the Democratic aide.

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