Claims rise as than expected in Aug. 25 week

WASHINGTON — Initial claims for U.S. state unemployment benefits rose by 3,000 to 213,000 in the August 25 week, as expected.

However, the four-week moving average fell by 1,500 to 212,250, and could fall by 250 in the September 1 week as the 214,000 level in the August 4 week rolls out of the equation.

Continuing claims fell by 20,000 to 1.708 million in the August 18 employment survey week, down 39,000 from the 1.747 million level in the July 14 employment survey week. The four-week moving average for continuing claims fell by 4,500 to 1.731 million.

Initial claims for U.S. state unemployment benefits

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Economic indicators Jobless claims