Claims fall in April 13 week; lowest since Sept. 1969

WASHINGTON — The level of initial jobless claims fell by 5,000 to 192,000 in the April 13 survey week, below the 205,000 level expected by the Bloomberg and the 206k level expected by MNI.

Initial jobless claims

Initial jobless claims fell by 5,000 to 192,000 in the April 13 employment survey week, the lowest level since September 6, 1969, when it was 182,000. The current claims level is down 24,000 from the March 16 employment survey week, which had an initial claims level of 216,000.

The four-week moving average for claims fell by 6,000 to 201,250 in the April 13 week, and could fall in the following week. Continuing claims fell by 63,000 to 1.653 million in the April 6 week.

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Economic indicators Jobless claims