Trump had promised during his campaign to terminate the electric vehicle charging station program.
In a first for the Midwest, a southern Illinois city plans to redevelop a mall using proceeds from sales tax and revenue bonds.
10h ago -
The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works begins the process of untangling the bureaucratic red tape of permitting to speed the pace of infrastructure improvements and housing initiatives which often leverages bond proceeds.
3h ago -
Women in Public Finance has announced the 2025 members of its board of directors and plans to expand its offerings as it nears its 30th anniversary.
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Most federal lease debt has large bullet maturities that require refinancing, asset sales or a new lease to avoid default.
February 18
The DOT cited the use of the tolls for transit as one of its reasons to terminate.
In 2017, Congress moved from budget resolution to reconciliation legislation in less than six weeks.
The legislation comes as the municipal market industry fends off threats to tax-exempt municipal bonds.
The steady demand for municipal bonds in high-risk areas underscores the complex relationship between climate change and financial markets.
Oppenheimer's Head of Public Finance Beth Coolidge and Columbus Auditor Megan Kilgore delve into the future of public finance and human infrastructure on a wide range of topics, from affordable housing and workforce development to public health, climate resiliency, and digital access.
As extreme weather events occur with more frequency across the country, Michael Gaughan, executive director of the Vermont Bond Bank, says municipal bond banks can help smaller communities deal with the effects of them. Gaughan speaks with The Bond Buyer's Lynne Funk on the effects of climate change and how the various levels of government can work together to address it.
An investor-driven selloff followed the Los Angeles wildfires. ICE Data Services experts join to discuss the reaction, credit impact and growing role of climate risk data.
Photos from The Bond Buyer's annual National Outlook Conference.
The legislation would change which state official enforces 2022's Energy Discrimination Elimination Act and remove bond and note sales from a contract ban.
The bill, which would enact on the federal level similar pro-gun legislation adopted by many Republican states, has gained 21 co-sponsors, including Senate Finance Chair Mike Crapo, R-Idaho.
The state's treasurer and retirement system warned the legislation would lead to decreased revenues.
The Investment Company Institute reported outflows of $336 million for the week ending Feb. 12, following $852 million of inflows the previous week.
1h ago -
The DOT cited the use of the tolls for transit as one of its reasons to terminate.
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The South San Antonio Independent School District, which has had a state conservator, will now get a state-appointed board of managers and superintendent.
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The state will have less money to spend in the upcoming fiscal year, according to projections certified in a process criticized by Oklahoma's attorney general.
February 18 -
State Farm's "emergency" rate increase request was rejected by California's insurance commissioner.
February 18