Judge Laura Taylor Swain also approved the mediators hiring PJT Partners to be their financial advisor.
March 19 -
The Oversight Board's effort to confirm a "a legally infirm cramdown plan is patently flawed and will add years of litigation," the bondholders said.
March 13 -
The case related to an attorney the firm used as a consultant in negotiations related to Puerto Rico's debt restructuring.
March 7 -
The bankruptcy judge planned a hearing on the topic for March 19.
March 6
Closing is scheduled for White Lake Township, Michigan's second try at a GO bond sale after the first was interrupted by the cybertheft of bond proceeds.
2h ago -
An Illinois park district became the only local general obligation credit to default in 2024, according to Municipal Market Analytics.
March 28 -
The Illinois Finance Authority will go to market with $850 million of revenue and refunding bonds for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency next week.
March 26 -
Another big deal from a major borrower is moving forward after Rochester's City Council last week approved a conduit bond sale for the Mayo Clinic.
March 25
The Maine Turnpike Authority is navigating a rocky road back to the market.
3h ago -
Higher borrowing costs without the tax exemption could force public water, sewer and power providers to raise rates, neglect infrastructure, or sell systems.
11h ago -
The New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority is tapping the market for the second time in two months, this time with a $600 million refunding.
March 24 -
Hospital and health insurance operator UPMC's $735 million deal looks routine. But the volatile healthcare and insurance environments may disrupt that standard.
March 18
Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority had to rethink the final leg of a 60.2-mile light rail line when the contractor's final bid came in 50% higher than its estimated project costs.
3h ago -
California's High Speed Rail Authority has until June 2026 to figure out how to close a $7 billion budget hole, said the LAO's principal fiscal and policy analyst at a budget hearing.
March 28 -
These institutions will see increased usage if some threats to the market come to fruition.
March 28 -
California plans to price $2.5 billion in new money and refunding general obligation bonds next week, with retail orders Tuesday and final pricing Wednesday.
March 28
Only Georgia has a higher state-level infrastructure grade from the ASCE than the the C the U.S. received this week. More in the Southeast are C-minus or lower.
March 27 -
The state treasurer is seeking someone willing to take the role on a permanent basis.
March 25 -
Plaintiffs are challenging Oconee County's use of general obligation bonds repaid by taxpayers countywide to fund sewer improvements serving a small area.
March 24 -
The governor is calling for a freeze on planned cuts to individual and corporate tax rates.
March 20
The S&P issuer rating upgrade marks the second for Oklahoma since September when Moody's raised its rating a notch to Aa1.
March 26 -
The legislation would create a bond-financed reinsurance program to stabilize the homeowner's insurance market, which has been impacted by wildfires.
March 26 -
Goldman Sachs was tapped to lead a sales tax revenue bond issue to finance an arena to replace Paycom Center, home of the NBA's Thunder.
March 25 -
Houston, Phoenix, and Dallas are taking action to address fiscal challenges brought on by litigation, state actions and a ballot measure.
March 25